Ma 2024. október 22. kedd - Előd napja van. Holnap Gyöngyi napja lesz.

Sukoró Youth Tradition keeping Dance Association

Address: 8096 Sukoró, Óvoda u. 2/A.
Telephone: +36 (22) 598-007, +36 (30) 469-64-86
Tax number: 18501939-1-07
Account number: 10402159-50505348-56571006

Our association wishes to represent itself in other areas of cultural life outside of dancing. Our goal is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle and the love of arts and tradition to local youths around Lake Velence through dancing.

The activities carried out by the association in order achieve its goals:
1. Organization of cultural events thus attracting youths. 
2. Cultural education
3. Artistic and entertaining activities
4. Tradition keeping and creating
5. Crafting activities
Készítette: NeoSoft